
Hello All -

Thanks for continuing to receive our emails. Bryce and Thomas are up to their eyeballs in work, so I’m chipping in to help keep you informed of our progress.

We have been getting into the swing of things this spring. It has been an interesting season, starting with high temperatures - tempting us to plant and then cooling off and making us wonder if we should have. Luckily, a new tunnel structure and a lot of frost cover blanketing has saved the day. This spring we were able to successfully harvest some of the most beautiful spinach and arugula we have ever seen (or tasted) in the last weeks of April. We are also pleased to be able to offer carrots and beets earlier than usual. As the Farmer’s Market did not open until the end of May, we drank a lot of smoothies, and got to work increasing the number of beds to harvest more greens. Now that summer has arrived, we are happy once again to see things growing and thriving (except the weeds - they could stand to take a break). We are currently harvesting beets, carrots, mixed greens, kale, swiss chard, radishes, salad turnips, kholrabi, and spinach. Coming soon - snap peas, buttercrunch and muir lettuce.

Now in our second year of production, we are trying to increase our outside growing space and learning the fine art of growing some of our veg under cover. What we really want is really good tomatoes, so we’re fine tuning our growing methods and hope to have a good crop this summer. We’re also trying to streamline our processes, so we’re going to be fulfilling website orders between Thursday and Saturday.

Many of you have been asking if we will be offering a weekly CSA box. We are pleased to announce that we will be going ahead with a limited weekly subcription on a trial basis this year. We will take the best of our harvest every week to create a box of 6-8 vegetables which will feed a family of 2-4 people. The subcription offering is now available on our website. Unlike other CSA’s, we will be offering it under a weekly payment plan. You can put your subscription on hold or cancel at any time. Please see our shop page for more information.

Golden Creek will be at Brockville Farmer’s Market again this year. The Market is now open on Saturdays from 8am - 1pm.

With the end of the Stay at Home Order looming, we wish you, your families, and your friends all the best this summer and our hope is that all will be reunited soon.

The Gordons